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Reduced 2D form coherence and 3D structure from motion sensitivity in developmental dyscalculia
Castaldi E., Turi M., Cicchini G.M., Sahawanatou G., Eger E. Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a specific learning disability affecting...
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Groupitizing modifies neural coding of numerosity
Maldonado Moscoso P., Greenlee M., Anobile G., Arrighi R., Burr D., Castaldi E. Numerical estimation of arrays of objects is faster and...
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Resources underlying visuo-spatial working memory enable veridical large numerosity perception
Castaldi E., Piazza M., Eger E. Humans can quickly approximate how many objects are in a visual image, but no clear consensus has been...
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The pupil responds spontaneously to perceived numerosity
Castaldi E., Pomé A., Cicchini G.M., Burr D., Binda P. Although luminance is the main determinant of pupil size, the amplitude of the...
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43rd ECVP – The pupil responds spontaneously to perceived numerosity
Castaldi E., Pomè A., Cicchini G.M., Burr D., Binda P.
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Perception of geometric sequencesand numerosity both predict formalgeometric competence in primary
Castaldi E., Arrighi R., Cicchini G. M., Andolfi A., Maduli G., Burr D., Anobile G. While most animals have a sense of number, only...
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OHBM 2021 – Groupitizing modifies neural coding of numerosity
Maldonado Moscoso P., Anobile G., Arrighi R., Burr D., Greenlee M., Castaldi E.
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Groupitizing Improves Estimation of Numerosity of Auditory Sequences
Anobile G., Castaldi E., Maldonado Moscoso P. A., Arrighi R., Burr D. Groupitizing is a recently described phenomenon of numerosity...
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VSS – The pupil responds spontaneously to perceived number of items
Castaldi E., Pomè A., Cicchini G.M., Burr D., Binda P.
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Time and numerosity estimation in peripersonal and extrapersonal space
Petrizzo I., Castaldi E., Anobile G., Bassanelli S., Arrighi R. The representation of space, time and number is believed to rely on a...
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SfN Connectome21 – Numerosity drives fast saccades in humans
Castaldi E., Burr D., Turi M., Binda P.
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A Sensorimotor Numerosity System
Anobile G., Arrighi R., Castaldi E., Burr D. Incoming sensory input provides information for the planning and execution of actions, which...
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AIRIPA 2020 – Il Groupitizing
Castaldi E., Maldonado Moscoso P., Anobile G., Arrighi R. e Burr D. Adulti e bambini sono più precisi e rapidi a stimare il numero di...
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Chapter 5 - Learning disabilities: Developmental dyscalculia
Castaldi E., Piazza M., Iuculano T. Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a developmental learning disability that manifests as a persistent...
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Fast saccadic eye-movements in humans suggest that numerosity perception is automatic and direct
Castaldi E., Burr D., Turi M. and Binda P. Click on the image to read the paper Fast saccades are rapid automatic oculomotor responses to...
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Grouping strategies in number estimation extend the subitizing range
Maldonado Moscoso P., Castaldi E., Burr D. C., Arrighi R. & Anobile G. When asked to estimate the number of items in a visual array,...
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“Groupitizing”: a strategyfor numerosity estimation
Anobile G., Castaldi E., Maldonado Moscoso P. A., Burr D.C. & Arrighi R. Previous work has shown that when arrays of objects are grouped...
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Attentional amplification of neural codes for number independent of other quantities
Castaldi E., Piazza M., Dehaene S., Vignaud A., Eger E. Humans and other animals base important decisions on estimates of number, and...
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Excessive visual crowding effects in developmental dyscalculia
Castaldi E.,Turi M., Gassama S., Piazza M., Eger E. Visual crowding refers to the inability to identify objects when surrounded by other...
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Mapping numerical perception and operations in relation to landmarks of human parietal cortex
Castaldi E., Vignaud A., Eger E. Human functional imaging has identified the middle part of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) as an...
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